Início » Lawyer pressured to abandon case of young detainees in Shenzen

Lawyer pressured to abandon case of young detainees in Shenzen

HM spoke to the lawyer for one of the detainees in Shenzhen who admitted he was pressured not to represent his client. In Portugal, the Liberal Initiative party questioned the Government about the case of students with Portuguese nationality, considering that Lisbon must intervene to ensure its defense

A lawyer from the Mainland of China who is trying to represent one of the detainees who was on the same boat as Tsz Lun Kok told HM that he was approached by the Chinese authorities to depart from the case. Ren Quanniu is said to have received a call from a Justice Department official questioning whether he has already gone to Shenzhen to represent the detainee involved in the Hong Kong illegal crossing case.

According to the causidic, the official who approached him said he could let Shenzhen’s unofficial lawyers first take over the case. “I said it is a very serious case and it is better not to participate. I thought I had not yet contacted the detainee’s family members, ”he said.

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