Início » Number of students per class increases the impact of Covid-19 on Brazil’s education

Number of students per class increases the impact of Covid-19 on Brazil’s education

Ana Estela de Sousa Pinto

With classes larger than most major countries, Brazilian schools will find it more difficult to maintain social distance, especially in the public sector

The largest number of Brazilian students per class, compared to that of most other major economies in the world, should be one of the most important obstacles in resuming face-to-face classes, says a study released this Tuesday (8) by the OECD, a group of 38 countries among the richest in the world.

The least qualified young people will be the most affected, which should further increase inequality within a country and between different countries, said OECD Secretary General Angel Gurría at the launch of the work.

The report included 8 other economies that are not part of the organization, but are part of the 20 largest, including China, Brazil, Russia and India.

Read more in Folha de S.Paulo

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