Início » Flávio Bolsonaro announces being cured of covid-19

Flávio Bolsonaro announces being cured of covid-19

Aécio Amado

Senator posted ad on social networks.

Nine days after reporting covid-19, Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicanos-RJ) announced that he was cured of the disease. In posts on the social networks Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, he wrote that he is recovered.

“With me, there are already 3.3 million recovered,” posted the senator, in the caption of a photo in which he held a box of hydroxychloroquine.

The senator said he had treated the symptoms with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, drugs whose effective effectiveness is being studied. Just as on the day he reported being infected, Flávio Bolsonaro stressed that he had medical monitoring throughout the process.

Flávio’s case was the fourth occurrence of covid-19 confirmed in the family of President Jair Bolsonaro. In early July, the president announced that he had contracted the disease. At the end of last month, it was the turn of the first lady, Michelle Bolsonaro, to report having been infected.

On August 15, the president’s youngest son, Jair Renan, announced he was with covid. Everyone is healed.

The disease killed members of the presidential family. Last month, the grandmother of the first lady, Maria Aparecida Firmo Ferreira, 80, died of covid-19 at the Ceilândia Regional Hospital, in the Federal District. On that occasion, the Presidency’s Social Communication Secretariat issued a note of condolence.

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