Início » One more case. Images released of black man who died asphyxiated by police

One more case. Images released of black man who died asphyxiated by police

Videos of a black man who died of asphyxiation by police officers after being handcuffed, hooded and subdued were released on Wednesday, with activists demanding that the agents involved be fired and charged.

The case happened on March 23, with the death occurring on the 30th of that month, but the video was only known on Wednesday.

Daniel Prude, 41, who was running naked through the streets of Rochester, a city west of New York, died of asphyxiation by police officers after a group stuck a hood over his head and pressed his face to the floor for two minutes. , according to the recordings released on Wednesday by his family.

The death occurred on March 30, after Prude was released from life support, seven days after the incident with the Rochester police.

Family released video

His death did not receive public attention until Wednesday, when his family held a press conference and released videos from the cameras of police uniforms and written reports, which they obtained through an application for access to public records.

The videos show Prude, who had removed his clothes, to obey when the police ordered him to sit on the floor and put his hands behind his back.

Then they put a special hood over his head, used to prevent detainees from spitting and biting, called “spit hood”.

At the time, New York was in the early days of the pandemic.

Prude asked to be removed from his hood. Then, an agent threw her head down and another agent kept her forced against the floor, with her hands, while a third placed her knee on her back.

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