Início » Germany says Russian opposition leader was poisoned and demands explanations

Germany says Russian opposition leader was poisoned and demands explanations

Germany said on Wednesday (2) that it has “unequivocal evidence” that Russian opponent Alexei Navalny was poisoned, and demanded that Russia provide “urgent” explanations about the case.

Navalny, who is hospitalized in a critical condition in a Berlin hospital after a transfer from Russia, was poisoned with a “Novichok type” nervous toxic agent, a “shocking incident”, said German government spokesman Steffen Seibert , in a statement.

“The [German] government strongly condemns this attack. We demand that the Russian government provide clarification on the incident, ”he added.

The analyzes carried out by the German Army in consultation with the Charité Hospital in Berlin, where Navalny is interned, found “unequivocal evidence of a nervous chemical agent in the Novichok family,” said Seibert.

This nerve agent had previously been used against former Russian double agent Serguei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in 2018 in England, according to British authorities. The case sparked a diplomatic crisis between London and Moscow.

It was the thorough examinations carried out by a German army laboratory that made it possible to detect the presence of this substance in Navalny’s body.

The 44-year-old Russian opposition leader was ill on board a plane in Siberia last month. Initially, he was seen at a local hospital, before being transferred by plane to the German capital.

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