Início » Guinea will create a Constitutional Court that will empower the President of the Republic

Guinea will create a Constitutional Court that will empower the President of the Republic

Guinea-Bissau’s constitutional revision project proposal provides for the creation of a Constitutional Court, which will empower the President of the Republic

In the draft revision of the Constitution of Guinea-Bissau, delivered last week to the Guinean President, Umaro Sissoco Embaló, and to which Lusa had access today, the article on the investiture of the elected President of the Republic states that the head of state is “invested in plenary session of the Constitutional Court by the respective president ”.

According to the proposal, the Constitutional Court, which is responsible for deciding on legal-constitutional conflicts, will be composed of two members appointed by the President of the Republic, two by the parliament and one by the Superior Council for the Judiciary.

The head of state will inaugurate all members and choose who presides over the judicial body. The term of the judges of the Constitutional Court will be 10 years, non-renewable and will have the competence, in addition to assessing the constitutionality, to decide on the registration of political parties, the candidacies for the legislative and presidential elections and to judge the electoral content and validity of the referenda.

The function of the Constitutional Court is currently exercised by the Supreme Court of Justice.

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