Início » Cabo Delgado: RENAMO leader points finger at the Mozambican government

Cabo Delgado: RENAMO leader points finger at the Mozambican government

For Ossufo Momade, it is necessary to know, with certainty, who are the ones behind the attacks in that northern province of the country

In an interview with DW Africa, the leader of RENAMO accuses the Government led by Filipe Nyusi of hiding what, in fact, is happening in Cabo Delgado. Ossufo Momade argues that the country has to know what is going on and that the Defense and Security Forces (SDS) are the only alternative to fight insurgents.

What has been happening lately in Cabo Delgado is one of the biggest problems facing Mozambique. The insurgency, says Momade, appears to be out of control of the authorities and the humanitarian situation for the displaced is deteriorating, day after day.

The leader of the largest Mozambican opposition party considers that the hiring of mercenaries to face the insurgency, in addition to not having official approval from the Assembly of the Republic, is “a major violation”, remembering that “only the SDS have the right to fight any invasion ”.

Making an assessment of what has been the last few months in northern Mozambique, the leader of RENAMO considers that “the Mozambican government is not complying with its obligation”.

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