Início » Macau: Majority of students do not want to return to Portugal

Macau: Majority of students do not want to return to Portugal

Most of the 178 students residing in Macau who are enrolled in higher education institutions in Portugal do not intend to return to the country this school year, the authorities of the territory said on Thursday.

The head of the Division of Support to Students of Higher Education Institutions, Vong Iut Peng, said that there are “178 students […] spread across 14 higher education institutions in Portugal”, but that most of them do not want to return to the country this year school.

“Most of these students do not intend to return to Portugal to continue [their] studies, taking into account the epidemiological situation in Portugal,” said Vong Iut Peng, during the biweekly pandemic monitoring conference in the territory, without however specifying the total of those who do not want to resume classes.

Read more in Portuguese at PLATAFORMA

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