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Come the American “people” and choose …

Arsénio Reis*

Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

There is an old Chinese saying that says: “expect the best, prepare for the worst and accept whatever comes”. The elections in the United States are threatening to turn into a referendum on “Trumpism” and this does not endorse in favor of any candidate for president of one of the most important countries in the world.

Candidates are chosen. Donald Trump wants to be re-elected, Joe Biden wants to get to a place he has long wanted. Are these two men the best that America has to offer the world?

I have many doubts and I think that I will be accompanied by many thousands of Americans. Those who will ultimately have to choose.

At this stage Joe Biden takes advantage – increasingly short – but no one will have, for now, the courage or rationality available to say that Donald Trump is prevented from winning.

I would like the United States not to be defeated by these elections and with them the pandemic world in which we live.

Is the Democratic candidate’s advantage just and only a consequence of his merit? His personality, his proposals and his political and social project for the United States so mobilizing that it supports the adhesion of voters from that country? Are those who are tempted to vote for Biden, voting for him, or against Trump?

The idea that power is lost, not won, is defensible. That is, everything Donald Trump did or did not do as he should, will result in an electoral defeat. Weak principle when the discussion focuses on a country that – like it or not – has given so much to the world.

The Democratic Party has failed to produce a mobilizing candidate, and the Republican Party has enthused the re-candidate who believes it will secure the presidency.

I am not going to highlight – nor do I feel capable of it – the countless political figures that have marked world life from the United States … nor should I wish to defeat – because it is impossible – these two candidates.

I would like the United States not to be defeated by these elections and with them the pandemic world in which we live.

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