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Hong Kong: Schoolbook publishers censor democratic content

Hong Kong high schools will begin the next school year with revised textbooks in which democratic themes, such as civil disobedience or universal suffrage, have been changed or eliminated in application of the new security law

The six editors responsible for most of the manuals used in the discipline “Liberal Studies” agreed to submit to a voluntary review program, carried out by the local educational authorities, which resulted in the suppression of democratic concepts such as separation of powers, reported the daily in language. English South China Morning Post.

The course covers six topics, including Hong Kong, contemporary China and globalization, political participation, the city’s legal system and the identity of its residents.

The now eliminated democratic principle that the executive, legislative and judicial powers must function independently had been the subject of criticism from pro-Beijing sectors, including former territory leader Tung Chee-hwa, who last year accused the system Hong Kong’s educational system to encourage young people to participate in anti-government protests.

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