Início » Committee against harmful practices in women and children regrets lack of support from justice

Committee against harmful practices in women and children regrets lack of support from justice

Fatumata Djau Baldé, chairwoman of the committee for the abandonment of practices harmful to the health of women and children in Guinea-Bissau, lamented the lack of support from the courts in combating forced marriage or violence against minors.

Speaking to Lusa, Fatumata Djau Baldé said he was aware that with the social confinement of people, as a result of the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, phenomena such as forced marriage, physical violence against children and women, are increasing “a little throughout the country”.

Former minister in different governments of Guinea-Bissau, Djau Baldé corroborated the complaints of human rights activists and organizations that point, for example, to the increase in cases of physical violence against women in Bissau and forced or early marriage in the south from the country.

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