Início » Millionaire contract for Angola’s independence anthem shocks the country

Millionaire contract for Angola’s independence anthem shocks the country

The alleged signing of a contract valued at 148.3 million Kwanzas, for the creation of the hymn to celebrate the 45 years of National Independence, is indignant to various segments of civil society that call for greater responsibility and transparency in the management of public affairs

For the president of Associação Mãos Livres, Salvador Freire, it is necessary to act by the organs of justice in the financial scandal that involves the production of the hymn to celebrate the 45 years of National Independence, to be celebrated on 11 November.

Speaking to OPAÍS, Salvador Freire considers the signing of the contract to be an act of great irresponsibility on the part of the people directly involved in the process. The case, which shocked society, was made public last Friday by Novo Jornal, revealing that the musician Big Nelo’s company will have won a public tender valued at 148 million Kwanzas for the production of the hymn that aims to celebrate the 45 years of National Independence. For the lawyer as well, the matter must be thoroughly investigated and the culprits held accountable, having vehemently repudiated attitudes like this of “wasting money without reason, at a time when the country is experiencing increasingly worrying problems”.

Read more in O País

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