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No sign of progress on the China-India border

Troops must prepare for difficult months in the Himalayas, as the parties continue to negotiate

Negotiations between China and India have made little progress and Indian troops must prepare for a long and painful winter on the border line between the two countries, military and diplomatic sources in New Delhi have revealed.

The finding comes after the latest talks last Saturday, the fifth meeting since the June clash in the Galwan valley, which left 20 Indian soldiers dead.

The negotiations took place at Daulat Beg Oldi, on the Chinese side of the border line in the Depsang Plains. General Abhijit Bapat headed the Indian delegation, but China has not revealed its representatives.

The area where the meeting took place is within the territory that India claims as part of Ladakh and China sees as part of its own country. The troops of the two Asian giants experienced a three-week stalemate in 2013, which ended with the withdrawal of troops from both sides.

Indian military source revealed that Chinese soldiers arrived “interrupted our routine patrolling in these areas”, “making this a cause for concern because the Depsang plains are very strategic for us”.

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