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Exclusive interview with journalist of Apple Daily

The relationship between the police and the Media has entered an unprecedented winter since Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement. “Since  National Security Law took effect in June, Everybody will be deterred by the danger.

However, it could be far worse Recently, the Hong Kong National Security Agency arrested Hong Kong media mogul  Jimmy Lai Chee-ying “, 200  Police officers raid the headquarter of  Next Digital Ltd. The society is shocked , as well as the international communities.  

With the National security law’s gunpoint to the face of Media, How should the Hong Kong journalist respond? “Two journalists share their thoughts with Macau platform during an exclusive interview anonymously. Is the Fourth Estate in big risk ?   

Mr. A has worked for Apple Daily for more than five years. He said that he was not there when the police raid in the headquarters the morning. The police had pulled up a large-scale cordon when he arrived. Most staff are out to work, and the office is empty. The situation was not too chaotic when he got there.

As a journalist , now not only he need to face the challenge of the exposure of his first hand notes, news materials and record , but also the invisible fear.

Reporter A said it takes courage to pass through surrounded with large group of polices.

“I have imagine this may happen in the past, however , it is really difficult to accept when it actually happened. This is not reasonable especially when my colleagues have to be searched one by one when they enter the office before they can enter. Reporter A described the incident as an act to suppress press freedom.

“In fact, since the National Security Act was promulgated, and even earlier from Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement, we have seen the police and the Hong Kong government hostile to the media. In fact, we are always prepared. Even so, when we saw the news in the morning it still caught us off-guard, “

K is a reporter who has been in the industry for more than one year. He described that because Apple is currently the only press media that speak up for Democratic point of view.

 , but he believes the act also function as a warming this is an alert for other independent media like RTHK and Stand News. He also believes that to some extent the police may want to collect evidence of some social activists.

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