Início » Luanda-Lisbon air route with seven flights in August

Luanda-Lisbon air route with seven flights in August

The air carriers TAP and TAAG announced seven new flights on the Luanda-Lisbon route during the month of August, after the public calamity situation was extended on Saturday until 8 September.

Angola has kept its borders closed since March 20, but has authorized cargo flights and repatriation.

According to information provided by the Consulate of Portugal in Angola, a TAP flight will be operated on the Luanda-Lisbon route, on August 14, at 10:45 pm.

Six flights by the Angolan carrier TAAG are also planned on the same route, on 11, 13, 18, 20, 25 and 27, all at 11:30 am.

Reservations, information and eventual ticket changes must be sent to TAP or TAAG, the Consulate said.

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