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Bolsonaro will launch social package and list evaluated

President anticipated strategy to try to reduce rejection caused by the pandemic.

The next national election will take place in more than two years, but President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) has already started implementing a long-term project to increase according to the chances of being reelected in 2022.

With the image eroded by the pandemic of the new coronavirus, the president set up a schedule of inaugurations around the country by the end of the year and will launch measures of social impact in an attempt to reduce the rejection of his name in classes D and E.

In parallel, he began to assess possibilities for his electoral ticket, such as the party for which he will be re-elected and the profile of the candidate for vice president who will bring him the most support.

Last week, when he visited São Paulo, Bolsonaro told an ally deputy that his goal from now on is to visit up to two states a week. In the coming days, Bolsonaro will go to Belém, Pará, to open a square, and intends to go to Rio, a military event.

The ministries of Infrastructure and Regional Development present the president with a list of options for him to choose where to go.

In a recent conversation with investors, the Minister of Communications, Fábio Faria, said that the holders of the two masses —Tarcísio de Freitas and Rogério Marinho, respectively— have discussed with the TCU (Federal Audit Court) a breach in the law on the spending in search of funds for works.

The focus of the trips will be the Northeast and Southeast, in which, as shown in the June Datafolha survey, Bolsonaro showed the highest rate of disapproval after the health crisis. The same survey pointed out that the lowest approval rating is among those who earn up to two percentage points.

The internal projections of the Palácio do Planalto privileged that the emergency aid, paid since April, had a positive effect in the regions and social classes where the president is most resisted. That is why he is considering extending it to at least October.

Until then, the federal government must send Congress a bill that creates the Renda Brasil, a reformulation of the Bolsa Família that would serve as a substitute for emergency assistance, especially for informal workers.
The amount of the benefit has not yet been defined, but it should be higher than the program created under the government of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), between R $ 250 and R $ 300.

In addition to the new initiative, the federal government will distribute by the end of the year R $ 5 million in basic food baskets for women in situations of vulnerability and the intention to launch the social program “Caring + Brazil”, discussed by the Ministry of Human Rights.

The measure should also offer access to microcredit and professional training courses for low-income families, a kind of exit door for beneficiaries of Bolsa Família.

The idea of ​​an exit door and an attempt to differentiate the Bolsa Família social package, stamped by the PT, and, at the same time, to signal to the liberal public that this policy is not an expenditure of resources with no return.

On another front, Bolsonaro told palace ministers that by December he will recreate the Ministry of Public Security to reinforce one of his main electoral flags, which was the fight against crime.

In addition to violence being one of the themes that most concern the Brazilian voter, the movement served as an attempt to vaccinate a possible candidacy of ex-minister Sergio Moro.

For the command of the portfolio, the names of the government leader in the Chamber, Major Vitor Hugo (PSL-GO), and ex-deputy Alberto Fraga (DEM-DF), Bolsonaro’s personal friend, are taken.

The president has acted on other fronts to minimize wear and tear. After the insistence of at least three ministries, Bolsonaro announced at the most recent ministerial meeting that he will no longer stop at the door of the Palácio da Alvorada to find out. However, the president fears that this gesture will cause him to lose support in his nurtured ideological base. by belligerent verbiage.
Minister Fabio Faria has been talking to the Bolsonarist militancy to explain that the new behavior of the president does not mean that he has abandoned his flags.

The president’s “peace and love” phase began with the arrest, in June, of retired military policeman Fabrício Queiroz, former aide to today’s senator Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicanos-RJ). Since then, the president has been without direct exercises to the STF (Supreme Federal Court) for more than 50 days.

The president has also started to discuss possibilities for his next presidential ticket, since the trend is that he will not walk together again with his current deputy, General Hamilton Mourão.

He has already told Bolsonarist deputies that, if he is unable to create the Alliance for Brazil in time, he can join an existing acronym. The PTB and the Republicans are being evaluated.

The first is commanded by ex-deputy fed

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