Início » “Today’s China is not the former Soviet Union nor does it want to be another United States”

“Today’s China is not the former Soviet Union nor does it want to be another United States”

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi rejected the idea of ​​a Cold War 2.0 with the United States. And he says China is ready to negotiate with America, in an interview with the Xinhua news agency

“Today’s China is not the former Soviet Union and has no intention of becoming another United States,” said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Wednesday’s interview with the Xinhua news agency. It should be noted that the interview with the Chinese vehicle takes place at a time of tension in relations between the two countries.

It is recalled that in recent months, Washington has raised the tone in relation to the eastern country, blaming it for the pandemic of the new coronavirus. He criticized Beijing’s crackdown on protests in Hong Kong and threatened to impose restrictions on Chinese companies operating in the country.

According to Wang, there are American politicians who are biased and hostile towards China and are using their power to obstruct relations between the two countries. In the interview, the chancellor’s tone was to establish bridges, and he made himself available for meetings with the United States “at any level, on any subject” to try to avoid further conflicts between the world’s two main economies.

Read more in Folha de S.Paulo

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