Início » Macau: Government to install 980 more cameras by 2028

Macau: Government to install 980 more cameras by 2028

Sónia Nunes

After this week it was decided to install another 800 cameras in public spaces, the Government moves on to the next phase of the “Olhos no Céu” program, which foresees a total of 4,200 cameras by 2028. Next year, the plan referring to the 5th and 6th phases of the video surveillance system, said today the commander-general of the United Police Services, Leong Man Chong.

Between 2022 and 2023, another 300 cameras will be installed, scheduled for the 5th phase. Some, says Leong Man Chong, will be placed on posts where surveillance equipment already exists, but the intention remains to extend the system to new urban areas, such as zone A of the new landfills. The 6th phase of the “Olhos no Céu” program also includes the installation of 680 cameras, between 2023 and 2028.

According to the Unitary Police Services, more than 5000 thousand cases were investigated with the support of video surveillance. The Secretary for Security says that, in some cases, the cameras were crucial: “We were able to identify the suspect’s path and we were able to solve the cases, mainly related to the crimes of theft and fraud”.

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