Início » Macau: Local workers “are not destined” for domestic work

Macau: Local workers “are not destined” for domestic work

Pedro Arede

This is Song Pek Kei’s reading of the local labor market in response to the argument made by the deputy director of Labor Affairs Services (DSAL), Chan Un Tong, about replacing non-resident workers with locals.

Some types of jobs are not intended for residents “, such as, for example, a domestic worker.” From January to July 24, we were able to transfer 2049 residents to new jobs and this is also due to the departure of 10,000 non-resident workers “, said the head of DSAL.

In view of the numbers Song Pek Kei argued that the reading cannot be done so directly, as there are companies that have extinguished jobs and will not occupy them again, simply because “they are not able to hire more workers”.

Read more at Hoje Macau

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