Início » It’s okay, it’s just a fine

It’s okay, it’s just a fine

Ricardo Oliveira Duarte*

The Minister of Citizenship of Brazil agreed to pay a fine so that he does not have to answer in court for the fact that he received money improperly, 300 thousand Reais, during two election campaigns.

In 2017 the then federal deputy of the so-called “bullet bench” Onyx Leronzoni publicly admitted that he had received money from JBS, a meat company, “box two” money, or “blue bag”, that is, money not counted or declared to the Court Electoral. To the journalists, Lorenzoni referred that the 100 thousand reais had been used to pay expenses for the 2014 campaign. It is not said that it was a heavy

conscience that led to the assumption of the fact, rather a list with the names of the politicians to whom JBS had paid in the 2014 elections, delivered by executives from J&F, the holding company that controls JBS, under a prize-giving agreement. Lorenzoni’s name was there and the former director of institutional relations for the company detailed that the deputy from Rio Grande do Sul received in cash 200 thousand reais (Lorenzoni said that they were “only” 100 thousand), delivered by the president of Abiec (Associação Brasileira Meat Exporting Industries). In his defense, the then deputy stated that he did not know that the money came from JBS and that he only found out when the complaint became public.


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