Início » Brazil’s surprises

Brazil’s surprises

Guilherme Rego*

Contrary to popular belief, the ban on police operations in Brazil’s slums did not increase violent crime in Rio de Janeiro.

Analyzing the available data, it can even be said that there was a decrease in crime. The analysis is contained in the study “Police operations and criminal events: For a qualified public debate”, from the Study Group on New Illegalisms (GENI) of the Federal University of Fluminense (UFF), released on Monday. The number of deaths from incursions into communities fell by 70%, crimes against life decreased (48%) and also against property (40%).

Apparently, criminal occurrences increase depending on the number of police operations. Although the police are against the decision of Fachin – a judge at the Supreme Federal Court – claiming that the ban on operations dismantles much of the work done to combat organized crime, pandemic times reveal that these “seem to contribute to their increase”, as pointed out by Daniel Hirata, researcher at GENI.


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