Início » “City of China” has already invested over US $ 200 million in Angola

“City of China” has already invested over US $ 200 million in Angola

Raquel Rio

Several merchants have closed stores in the City of China due to the economic impact of covid-19, but another 30 will soon be installed in the Luanda commercial complex, where US $ 200 million has already been invested, according to the president, Jack Huang.

In an interview with Lusa, the Chinese businessman, who leads a group of private individuals with businesses in several African countries, admitted that the pandemic has brought breaks, still to be accounted for, and talked about the reorganization underway at a time when the mega shopping center expands to the third phase.

Jack Huang, who has investments in countries like South Africa, Namibia and Botswana, decided to bet on Angola “because there was no City of China”.

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