Início » Tourism in Macau: International reopening perhaps only in 2021

Tourism in Macau: International reopening perhaps only in 2021

The Director of Tourism Services, Helena de Senna Fernandes, predicts that Macau’s reopening to international tourism should only happen in the second half of next year.

That was what she said yesterday, regarding the situation of tourism in Macau, in a lecture organized by the France-Macau Chamber of Commerce and released today by the newspaper Ponto Final.

The director of Tourism Services in Macau says that, until the end of the year, the Government’s priority is the recovery of the mainland China market.

Helena de Senna Fernandes again emphasizes that it is very difficult to make projections, given the uncertainty of the pandemic, but she says she hopes that in the second half of next year Macau will be able to start looking at some places in the Asian market.

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