Início » “We are not in a second wave”. Spain returns to 900 daily contagions

“We are not in a second wave”. Spain returns to 900 daily contagions

José Miguel Carrasco, of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology, argues that Covd-19’s daily outbreaks are being controlled.

Covid-19’s daily contagions in Spain have not dropped below 900. The number of infections, which exceeds 280,000 in total, soared in July. With him the fear of a second wave of the pandemic in the middle of summer. Despite the data, experts assure that it is too early to talk about a second wave, at least in the whole country.

However, “It is difficult to know if we are in a second wave, especially since the evolution of the pandemic varies widely from community to community”, explains José Miguel Carrasco, of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology.

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