Início » Amendment to the Nationality Law approved, even with the votes against PSD, CDS and Enough

Amendment to the Nationality Law approved, even with the votes against PSD, CDS and Enough

Paulo Porto Fernandes*
Paulo Porto Fernandes

With votes against from the PSD, CDS, IL and Chega, and with favorable votes from the PS and other benches, on July 23 in the Plenary of the Assembly of the Republic, the ninth amendment to Law No. 37/81, of October 3, was approved – Nationality Law. The approved Amendment Proposal, among other advances, extends the application of the “jus soli” principle and simplifies the procedures for applying for nationality to Portuguese grandchildren and for marriage, among other advances.

Initially, it is necessary to clarify that, in the legislative process, the Proposed Amendment presented by the PS was unanimously approved in the Working Group, later it was approved in ratification of the indicative votes in the specialty, also carried out in the Working Group of the Nationality Law, referring to the Draft Laws No. 117 / XVI / 1st (PAN) – which extends access to naturalization to people born in Portuguese territory after April 25, 1974 and before the entry into force of the nationality law (proceeds to 9th amendment to law no. 37/81, of 3 October); and 118 / XVI / 1st (PCP), which extends the application of the “jus soli” principle in the Portuguese nationality law (ninth amendment to Law No. 37/81, of 3 October, which approves the law of nationality).

*Legislator of the Socialist Party (PS) – Portugal

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