Início » After records, Hong Kong imposes mandatory mask use

After records, Hong Kong imposes mandatory mask use

After recording daily records on the number of cases of the new coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2), the Hong Kong government announced the mandatory use of protective masks in public places.

According to the chief secretary of the territory administration, Matthew Cheung, the rules come into force on Wednesday (29) due to the “epidemic situation being extraordinarily serious” and continue until, at least, the 4th of August.

Whoever disrespects, will pay a fine of about US $ 645 (about R $ 3,300). Only children and people proven to be seriously ill are exempt.

In addition to imposing the use of the mask, the announcement on Monday (27) also includes the prohibition of meetings and agglomerations with more than two people in public places and the obligation of restaurants to only provide food for travel. Sports and recreation centers and public swimming pools were also closed.

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