Início » This country’s policies are not yet for “the bugs”

This country’s policies are not yet for “the bugs”

Bebiana Cunha*

Last week, in a text on educational policies, it was recalled the fundamental importance of education for the dignified treatment and protection of animals, together with an environmental education that allows the understanding and reading of the world.

When I wrote it, last Friday, I still didn’t know what that weekend was going to bring us. Santo Tirso focused the country’s attention on itself because legally competent authorities denied assistance to animals that became victims of fires, victims of human, political, police and technical resistance, victims of resistance to accepting help that was right, victims of the inability to coordinate a theater of operations.

These animals, policy makers and legally competent authorities have failed. Each and every one has their responsibilities. At this moment, they play, among them, the chair game, in which no one wants to stand. At this moment, they practice, among them, the game of pushing and shaking water from the cloak, because assuming responsibilities seems to be a difficult thing to do in this matter. It seems that, also at that level, education is lacking. Nobody wants to look bad in the July 18 photograph, but of those who had responsibilities, everyone has already set an example of the worst we can be as human beings.

*Legislator of the People-Animals-Nature Party (PAN) – Portugal

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