Início » Trade between China and Portuguese-speaking countries totals US $ 51.8 billion until May

Trade between China and Portuguese-speaking countries totals US $ 51.8 billion until May

Trade between China and Portuguese-speaking countries reached US $ 51.8 billion in the first five months of 2020, an annual drop of 12%, reported the Macau Forum (Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and the Portuguese Speaking Countries) on its website.

According to data from the General Customs Administration, China imported US $ 37.1 billion in the period and exported US $ 14.7 billion in products to the Portuguese-speaking world, an annual drop of 12.93% and 9.56%, respectively.

In May, the Asian country imported US $ 7 billion, a monthly increase of 1.76%. Chinese exports were US $ 2.9 billion, falling 1.15% monthly. Bilateral trade totaled US $ 9.9 billion in the month, an increase of 0.88% in relation to April.

Brazil continued to be China’s largest Lusophone trading partner, registering total trade in the amount of US $ 8.4 billion in May, a monthly increase of 3.85%. In the period from January to May, the two countries accumulated a trade of US $ 41 billion, 6.55% less than in the same period of 2019. Of that total, China bought US $ 29.3 billion, and sold to the south country American $ 11.8 billion.

Angola came second, with bilateral trade totaling US $ 764.5 million in May, a monthly drop of 29.64%. In the period from January to May, the two countries registered trade of US $ 7.2 billion, an annual fall of 35.07%.

Portugal came in third, with the value of trade rising 10.62% monthly in May, to US $ 577.9 million. From January to May, Sino-Portuguese trade totaled US $ 2.46 billion, 7.93% less in annual terms.

Trade between China and Mozambique increased 17.44% in monthly terms in May, to US $ 216 million. In the first five months of 2020, trade between the two countries totaled US $ 876.3 million, 9.09% less annually.

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