Início » Guterres wants “immediate de-escalation” between Azeris and Armenians

Guterres wants “immediate de-escalation” between Azeris and Armenians


The secretary general of the United Nations (UN), António Guterres, demanded today “a complete and immediate de-escalation” and “a return to negotiations” between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Recent combats that have again opposed these states.

Guterres was on the phone today with the Azeri and Armenian leaders.

Its spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric, said that “Guterres spoke separately with the President of Azerbaijan (Ilham Heydar Oglu) Aliyev and with the Prime Minister of Armenia (Nikol) Pashinyan”.

Thus, the UN chief urged the two leaders to continue to seek a peaceful solution to the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, a secessionist region of Azerbaijan backed by Armenia, where a war in the 1990s left 30,000 dead.

Recently, fighting in the border region to the north of these former Soviet republics has claimed at least 17 deaths.

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