Início » Germany condemns 93-year-old ex-Nazi involved in more than 5,000 deaths

Germany condemns 93-year-old ex-Nazi involved in more than 5,000 deaths

Polish concentration camp guard at 17 had suspended sentence and will not be held

The Hamburg, Germany, convicted a 93-year-old ex-Nazi for complicity in 5,232 murders and assassination attempts during World War II.

Bruno Dey was a guard at the Stutthof concentration camp in Poland between August 1944 and April 1945, when he was 17 years old. For not reaching the age of majority when he committed the crimes, he was tried by a juvenile court.

German justice sentenced him to two years in prison, but due to his current advanced age, Dey has been suspended and will not be jailed.

Read more in Folha de S. Paulo

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