Início » Trump will send federal forces to more “democratic” cities

Trump will send federal forces to more “democratic” cities

Portland residents revolted by crackdown on anti-racist acts

US President Donald Trump said on Monday he would send forces to more American cities, while a federal crackdown on anti-racism protests in Oregon, with cars and unidentified men wearing camouflage, infuriated people all over the country.

Trump, a Republican, cited New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore and Oakland, Calif., As places to send federal agents to, indicating that the mayors of those cities were “liberal Democrats”. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot often criticizes Trump on Twitter.

“We will send security forces,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “We can’t let that happen to cities.”

Local and state leaders, as well as members of Congress, have asked Trump to withdraw paramilitary forces from the Department of Homeland Security in the city of Portland, Oregon, after videos showed unidentified uniformed men taking people off the streets and taking them away in black minivans. .

“Not only do I believe he is breaking the law, he is also endangering the lives of the citizens of Portland,” said city mayor Ted Wheeler on Twitter, who previously classified the federal presence as “political theater” in years electoral.

Another video shows federal agents beating and spraying chemicals on a veteran Navy protester on Saturday (18). The man was celebrated as an “anti-fascist super soldier” on social media for remaining passively standing while being hit.

Last week, federal forces began cracking down protests in Portland against police brutality and structural racism, using tear gas to defend federal administrative buildings and leading to imprisoned activists without explanation.

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