Início » Backpacks weigh more than children

Backpacks weigh more than children

Bebiana Cunha*

Educational policies: Part I

Up to 2 years of age, children’s bonding and emotional security are essential for their development. But the current legislation does not allow, by option, one of the parents to dedicate this time to the care and development of the child.

After this phase, socialization and learning in contexts of intentional stimulation will play an essential role in the lives of children and families. Pre-school education assumes itself as privileged in the early detection of problems, guidance and referral, and should be universal from the age of 3, guaranteeing a network capable of responding to all children. But this time of growth is still a time to play and explore. Each child has their own rhythm, and this must be respected, ensuring that, according to their development and needs, each child may or may not use the rest through a nap, which is not yet a reality in Portugal.

*Legislator of the People-Animals-Nature Party (PAN) – Portugal

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