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National Security: Beijing decides agency in Macau

It is Beijing that will decide whether Macau will have a Central Government agency similar to the one established in Hong Kong, and that allows agents from inside China to investigate national security cases without responding to Hong Kong laws and courts.

“This is a decision by the Central Government. We cannot go any further, ”said the secretary for Administration and Justice, André Cheong, when asked whether Macau will follow the Hong Kong model.

The idea that it is necessary to revise the State Security defense law, in force since 2009, emerged in March 2018, still in the government of Chui Sai On, in a text published on the official page of the office of Secretary Wong Sio Chak, in which was defended as urgent and necessary “to improve the procedures of gathering evidence for the criminal investigation and the special norms for the necessary measures of coercion for the [discovery] of the truth of a crime”.

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