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Photography helps AMI fight Covid-19 among Rohingya refugees


Portuguese photojournalist Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro, who has lived in Macau for 10 years, donated two thousand euros to help AMI – International Medical Assistance – combat Covid-19 affecting refugee and displaced populations in Bangladesh, who live in areas prone to natural disasters and, currently, they are among those most exposed to the new coronavirus and less access to health care, due to lack of socioeconomic conditions.

The project started on July 15, 2020 and will run until January 2021. 5000 euros are needed. Donate through the link:

Fotógrafo Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro (Marta Pereira)

The refugee and displaced populations in Bangladesh, who live in areas prone to natural disasters are among those most exposed to the new coronavirus and least access to medical care, due to lack of socioeconomic conditions. “A photo taken in Myanmar to help Rohingya refugees, I think it makes perfect sense. It is necessary to put an end to this problem ”, said the author.

It is in order to protect and assist these populations that AMI initiated a new partnership with the Bangladesh Integrated Social Advancement Program (BISAP), which supports Rohingya refugees and host communities in the Chittagong region of eastern Bangladesh. Among the main activities of the project “Coordinated Effort to Address the Covid-19 Pandemic and Future Public Health Emergencies in Urban-Slum of Chattogram Coastal Region” are the production of communication materials for behavior change and information, education and communication for production of advertisements, advertising and training actions, installation of hand washing facilities in communities, distribution of essential goods, such as food, masks and hand sanitizers.

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