Início » ‘Let’s stop this nonsense,’ says Fauci under fire

‘Let’s stop this nonsense,’ says Fauci under fire

The nation’s top infectious-disease expert, Anthony Fauci is being sidelined by the White House and harshly criticized by a top adviser to the Trump administration.

He believes the country isn’t responding correctly to the Covid-19 threat and that it needs to focus to ease the expanding curve of daily infections.

In an interview with the Atlantic published wednesday, Fauci urges the country to not undermine the situation “rather than these games people are playing”, he said.

“We’ve got to almost reset this and say, Okay, let’s stop this nonsense, ” he said after being asked to state “the truth about the federal response to the pandemic” in the United States.

“We’ve got to figure out, How can we get our control over this now, and, looking forward, how can we make sure that next month, we don’t have another example of California, Texas, Florida, and Arizona?”

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