Início » Millionaires want higher taxes to finance global recovery

Millionaires want higher taxes to finance global recovery

An open letter from 83 wealthy owners calls for more taxes on millionaires to finance the global recovery from the crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic.

It is with an open letter that 83 millionaires from seven countries (USA, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands) urge their governments to raise taxes on, precisely, the richest. They believe that this is the only way to support the recovery of the world economy after the crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic, whose effects, they believe, will last for many years.

“As covid-19 reaches the world, millionaires and billionaires like us have an important role to play in the world.” Thus begins the letter signed by names like Abigail Disney (film producer), Jerry Greenfield (one of the founders of Ben and Jerry ”s) and Mariana Bozesan (investor in startups and philanthropist).

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