Início » False certificates of negative covid-19 tests are already sold in Angola

False certificates of negative covid-19 tests are already sold in Angola


For five thousand kwanzas (about eight euros) it is possible to buy a false proof of a negative covid-19 test. The Angolan National Police has already detained one person.

The situation was reported by Waldemar José, a spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior, who said that the said person will be held criminally responsible for fraudulently acquiring the proof of five thousand kwanzas.

“We learned through complaints from the population on social media that a citizen would have bought a covid-19 negative test certificate. We found out, and the person involved is being detained ”, he reported, encouraging the population to continue to denounce acts of the kind.

The sale of false proofs of covid-19 negative tests is the result of an attempt to evade the measures decreed by the government that all people traveling on service missions from Luanda must test 24 hours beforehand and present the document to the authorities.

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