Início » New virus more deadly than covid? Kazakhstan denies Chinese claims

New virus more deadly than covid? Kazakhstan denies Chinese claims

That country’s Ministry of Health speaks of “misunderstanding” in the official count. Chinese embassy warning of “unknown pneumonia” more deadly than covid-19.

Kazakhstan on Friday denied the Chinese embassy’s claim in that country about an outbreak of pneumonia more deadly than the new coronavirus that was plaguing Kazakh territory.

The alert had been issued to Chinese citizens in the country and posted on the embassy website on Thursday. Information came from the Beijing representation to warn of a disease with “a mortality rate much higher than COVID-19”. The statement said the pneumonia outbreak caused 1,772 deaths in the first half of 2020 and “628 in June alone”.

The statement originally referred to “Kazakhstan pneumonia”, but the name was later changed to “non-COVID pneumonia”. The Chinese embassy note mentions three cities – Atyrau, Aktobe and Shymkent – as the focus of the new disease. It also warns of the fact that there are Chinese citizens among the people who died.

This Friday, Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Health reacted and assured that the “Chinese” claim (not to mention the embassy) does not “correspond to reality”, saying it was a misunderstanding of the official count.

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