Início » George Floyd warned 20 times that he couldn’t breathe

George Floyd warned 20 times that he couldn’t breathe

The authorities’ record confirms George Floyd’s pleas when immobilized. He warned about two dozen times that he couldn’t breathe.

African-American George Floyd, killed by the police and who provoked massive racial protests in the United States, warned officers about 20 times that he was unable to breathe, according to a police transcript released on Wednesday.

The transcription was made through a camera attached to the uniform of Thomas Lane, one of the four policemen accused in the case. His defense is trying to get the charges against him dropped by pointing to the main defendant, Derek Chauvin.

Until now, the last minutes of Floyd’s life were known thanks to videos recorded by filming people. However, the document provided by Lane shows the scene, which took place on May 25 in Minneapolis, in an even more dramatic way.

“They’re going to kill me, they’re going to kill me,” said Floyd, 46, as the police ordered him to be arrested and facedown on the floor, to which Chauvin replied: “Stop talking, stop screaming, it takes a lot oxygen to speak ”.

Chauvin was the one who smothered Floyd by pressing his knee against his neck for more than eight minutes, during which the African American repeated more than 20 times that he was unable to breathe.

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