Início » Macau: Calls for help from immigrants at the Caritas clinic tripled

Macau: Calls for help from immigrants at the Caritas clinic tripled

The economic condition of immigrant workers is having an impact on their health, and the social clinic of Cáritas registered three times the number of requests for help compared to the whole of last year. But there are several areas in which these people require support.

Since January, the number of requests for help from immigrants in the social clinic of Cáritas, the “WelAnser” center, has tripled in relation to the volume of the entire year 2019, reported Ou Mun. The center’s director, Kitty Tam Siu Sin, explained that the main problems of these people are economic pressure and health problems. Among the reported cases are pregnant women in difficulty.

According to the official, despite the fact that the center was not always operational, during its suspension cases continued to be followed online. Since the beginning of the restrictions resulting from the pandemic, a total of 188 aid applications have been received. Kitty Tam Siu Sin also said that many immigrant workers send most of their wages home every month, and do not focus on their diet and nutrition.

Read more at Hoje Macau

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