Início » Portugal: British tourists forced to quarantine on their return home

Portugal: British tourists forced to quarantine on their return home

Joana Petiz

Beaches as good as those in the Caribbean and undoubtedly the best in Europe, extraordinary wines, custard tarts and rich and greedy cuisine, bits of history to visit and magnificent trails to go.

These are some of the characteristics that made up the 20 reasons pointed out by the Telegraph a month ago for Portugal to be the first destination for the British when they opened their borders.

If the visits of the British to Portuguese territory are historic – or it was not with the English our oldest alliance – and many have even chosen to live here (the number has doubled in the last four years, for more than 34 thousand residents), the choice of Portugal for holidays is as old as official records go back. In 1964, there were already 570 thousand overnight stays / year, almost 10% of the tourists who then came to these parts (Pordata data). Numbers that multiplied in the following decade and were always growing, until approaching 10 million overnight stays in the last couple of years.

This Friday, however, the Boris Johnson government switched turns to those already preparing to head south, with the exclusion of the Algarve – the main national destination for more than 2.15 million British tourists visiting Portugal in the last year – from the list of safe destinations. Better said, Downing Street considers that the south of Spain and even the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira are vacation places that do not pose a health hazard, but traveling to mainland Portugal will require quarantine on the return.

Read more at Dinheiro Vivo

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