Início » Six months of coronavirus: the worst is yet to come

Six months of coronavirus: the worst is yet to come

José Miguel Gaspar

Six months of pandemic: without a vaccine yet certain, the world may have to live with covid-19 for much longer than expected.

The reality is very harsh: “What we are experiencing today is far from over. Although many countries have made progress, globally the pandemic is accelerating. Lack of national unity in many countries and the lack of global solidarity are helping the virus to spread ”. The words concerned are those of Tedros Adhanom, director-general of the World Health Organization, who closes the forecast as follows. “The worst is yet to come”.

This week marks the six months since China said it identified in Wuhan, a city of 10 million, a new highly contagious virus, SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus of severe acute respiratory syndrome. We were totally unaware that the disease was going to terrify, destroy lives and sink the global economy into the most severe recession in almost a century.

The world has changed, perhaps forever. One by one, countries closed the economy and society, a whopping number of people lost their jobs and many faced depression and mental illness due to loneliness. Masks were imposed in everyday life.

Each country gave its response to the virus. Some, like South Korea, have activated restricted blocks and massively tested. Others, like Sweden, have barely enacted restrictions. Still others, like New Zealand, have successfully eliminated the virus, for now, with quick action, consistent directives and other effective strategies such as watching and following infected circles.

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