Início » Amante says that the 65 million given by Juan Carlos were a gift “of love”

Amante says that the 65 million given by Juan Carlos were a gift “of love”

“El Pais” newspaper had access to the testimony given to Swiss justice by Corinna Larsen. The ex-lover of the emeritus king of Spain talks about the 65 million given by Juan Carlos.

Corinna Larsen, a former lover of Juan Carlos, assured the Swiss court that the emeritus king transferred 64.8 million in 2012 to his account “not to get rid of the money”, but “out of gratitude and love”. According to her, to guarantee her future and that of her children, she declared to prosecutor Yves Bertossa, as reported by El Pais. Bertossa accused Corinna Larsen, the manager of the emeritus king, Arturo Fasana, and the lawyer Dante Caõonica of money laundering, punishable by imprisonment.

The testimony of Corinna, the German who had a relationship with Juan Carlos, was given on December 19, 2018 in Geneva. The Spanish justice system is awaiting these statements but Switzerland allows the targets of the investigation to refuse to send the statements to other countries.

This testimony is crucial to the investigation that the Public Ministry is carrying out on Juan Carlos on suspicion of money laundering and tax fraud. The court is investigating the payment of commissions for the monarch’s involvement in awarding works for the high-speed connection between Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia, to Spanish companies.

Juan Carlos took to Geneva in 2010, when he was king of Spain, a folder full of notes, totaling 1.7 million that he placed in the hands of the manager Arturo Fasana. The money would come, according to El Pais, from a delivery that the Sultan of Bahrain had made to the Spanish monarch. Subsequently, in 2012, the king transferred almost 65 million euros to Corinna. It was Alejandro Luzón, the main anti-corruption prosecutor, who asked Bertossa for the testimony of Corinna and that of the others investigated in the Swiss case.

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