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How did the seven populous countries deal with the covid-19?

Isaura Almeida

Strategies behind the numbers of infected and killed in countries with more than 200 million inhabitants reveal the effectiveness of the confinement and uncontrolled situation of those who abdicated it, such as the USA and Brazil. China, Indonesia, Pakistan and Nigeria with controlled situation, taking into account the number of inhabitants. India growing and with 27 thousand cases in one day, but with low mortality.

How did the seven countries with more than 200 million inhabitants deal with the covid-19? The seven countries together have almost half of the total number of infected (5,2 million of the 11 million worldwide) and almost half of the world’s deaths by covid-19 (211 out of 522 thousand). Although the eyes of the world are on the pandemic drama of the USA and Brazil, there are countries with many more inhabitants and far fewer cases, such as China and India. Or Indonesia, Pakistan and Nigeria.

The strategies differ from country to country, but there is a common denominator. Those who bet on confinement and imposed strict restrictions at the beginning of the health crisis now have better results, that is, fewer cases. Whoever chose to devalue is now in the lead on the covid-19 map: USA and Brazil.

China: 1.4 billion people, 83,000 cases and 4600 deaths
One in seven people in the world is Chinese. With 1.4 billion inhabitants and one the population is increasingly older and vulnerable as a result of the ban and having more than one child, China reported the first case of coronavirus on December 31, 2019, in Wuhan, province from Hubei. On the first day of the new year, the market was closed, suspected of causing the contamination. On January 4, there were already 44 cases of patients with pneumonia of unknown origin, who made their first death five days later.

The cases continued to increase and the world assisted at a distance and without knowing that it would give rise to a global pandemic. Only on January 20, the National Health Commission of China confirmed that the new coronavirus could be transmitted between humans and quarantined the city of Wuhan. The confinement was later extended to the 60 million inhabitants of Hubei province.

Root hospitals were built for covid-19 patients, betting on screening and social distance. Anyone suspected of being infected with the coronavirus was immediately prevented from returning home or going to work. Quarantine took place in isolation zones created in gyms, stadiums, hotels and other large spaces.

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