Início » Kate reportedly alerted Prince Harry about family concerns over Meghan

Kate reportedly alerted Prince Harry about family concerns over Meghan

The Duchess’s concern would have displeased the British prince

The concerns of the British royal family about the relationship between Prince Harry, 35, with actress Meghan Markle, 38, were so many, that Kate Middleton, 38, even warned her brother-in-law and asked him to slow down. According to the Daily Mail newspaper, the information is in the book “Royals at War”, released this Tuesday (30) on Kindle.

According to the publication, Harry has already had a very close relationship with Kate, even calling her “the older sister he never had”. The intervention, however, although well intentioned, would not have been successful and would have made the prince see the family and the royal advisers as opposed to him.

“She gently reminded him that he was dating someone with a completely different life, past and career, and it would take time, care and attention for them to integrate,” write the authors of Kate’s supposed conversation with Harry while they were still dating. his with Meghan.

Read more at Folha de S.Paulo.

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