Início » Hong Kong celebrates transfer of sovereignty in difficult times

Hong Kong celebrates transfer of sovereignty in difficult times

Ephemeris takes place at a time of great tension in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (RAEHK). The National Security Law was passed and pro-democracy movements are facing the sword and the wall, 23 years after the transfer of powers.

The national flag was raised and the national anthem played, at a ceremony at 8 am local time in Hong Kong. After the ceremony, RAEHK Chief Executive Carrie Lam emphasized the importance of the anniversary and the region’s return to China, stressing that the new law on safeguarding national security will help restore stability in the region.

The People’s Republic of China Law on Safeguarding National Security was unanimously approved at the 20th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress, and entered into force at 11 pm (local time) yesterday.

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