Início » He didn’t even take office, Brazil’s Minister of Education resigns

He didn’t even take office, Brazil’s Minister of Education resigns

Paulo Saldaña e Gustavo Uribe

The resignation was the solution found by Bolsonaro after the crisis.

Education Minister Carlos Decotelli announced his resignation on Tuesday (30), five days after being appointed to office by President Jair Bolsonaro. The now ex-minister confirmed his departure to Folha. The dismissal was the way found by the federal government to end the crisis created by the inaccuracies in the curriculum released by Decotelli.

For the position in MEC, the Secretary of Education of Paraná, Renato Feder, the former advisor to the Ministry of Education Sérgio Sant’Ana and the advisor to the CNE (National Education Council) Antonio Freitas, who is dean at FGV and whose name appeared as a doctoral advisor not carried out by Decotelli.

There was a doctorate in Decotelli’s curriculum from the National University of Rosario, in Argentina. The institution’s dean, Franco Bartolacci, denied that he had obtained the title, information anticipated by the column Mônica Bergamo. There are still signs of plagiarism in his master’s dissertation.

In a statement on Monday night (29), after meeting Bolsonaro, he denied plagiarism and said he was still a minister.

Read more at Folha de S. Paulo

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