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Activists say government military are not sparing civilians in Cabinda

Clashes between rebels and Angolan government forces are said to have caused more than 20 deaths in June in Cabinda. Activists denounce that military personnel in the Armed Forces are victimizing civilians and operating in neighboring countries, reports DW

Organizations that defend the autonomy of the Angolan province of Cabinda consider the alleged clashes between the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) and the armed wing of the Liberation Front of the Enclave of Cabinda (FLEC) to be real.

According to reports by organizations that advocate for peace and defend the autonomy of the region, clashes between Angolan soldiers and guerrillas have intensified in recent days. Military raids attributed to the FAA reportedly killed at least 23 people in June, reports DW.

The separatist movement accuses the Angolan government of avoiding dialogue. Last Sunday, two leaders of the Union of Cabindeses for Independence (UCI) were arrested. “We have not yet received preliminary information from lawyers, who have been prevented from interacting with detainees. The unofficial information we have is that they were detained for pasting leaflets for the dialogue for peace in Cabinda. The pamphlet collage took place on Saturday night, and the arrest on Sunday morning in Bukungoio, ”said UCI Secretary-General Eduardo Matunda, adding that the search for FLEC fighters in the region has been killing innocent citizens.

“Those who live in Cabinda know that it is very militarized territory. There is a climate of total insecurity. We see military men with weapons of war on the streets every day and that intimidates the population ”, analyzes Matunda.

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