Início » Bus attack in central Mozambique kills 11-year-old child

Bus attack in central Mozambique kills 11-year-old child

An armed attack this morning on a bus on the way from Nampula to Maputo, in the region of Inchope, district of Gondola, resulted in the death of an 11-year-old child and four injured people, reported the Mozambican newspaper O País.

The attack on a bus by the Transportadora Nagi Investimentos that made the Nampula-Maputo route took place around 7:00 am in the region of Arco-Íris, about five kilometers from the Inchope Crossing. According to witnesses, the Nagi Investimentos bus left on Saturday from Nampula to Maputo, having spent the night in the district of Gorongosa fearing armed attacks that occur on the national road number one.

As O País reports, this Sunday morning, minutes after starting the march, the bus was ambushed by armed men in an undetermined number, who fired several shots, initially resulting in five injuries, among them the 11-year-old child who stayed in critical condition and lost his life on the way to the District Hospital of Gondola.

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