Início » Seducing young people to terror is the greatest danger in Cabo Delgado

Seducing young people to terror is the greatest danger in Cabo Delgado

Rute Coelho*

Hell on earth is what Islamic terrorism has sown in Cabo Delgado, a province rich in natural gas in northern Mozambique, in the face of apathy and the delay in intervening from a number of organizations and countries, from the UN to the CPLP, from Portugal to South Africa or the United States.

Terrorist groups, whether really Daesh or local satellites like Al Shabbaab, are using the most extreme version of Islam, using knives and machetes, shaved hair and a big beard, to impose jihad, a holy war, as a weapon of mass destruction covered with interests that are anything but religious. They burn and decapitate, just like in Syria. To spread their reign over those lands they need to recruit young people. It is what has fueled these militias, whether in Cabo Delgado, Libya, Syria or Sudan.

One of the jihadist’s last forays to recruit in the village of Xitati, Cabo Delgado, resulted in the beheading of 52 young people who refused to collaborate with the terrorists. But when the adhesion of youth is voluntary and peaceful, it is necessary to understand how seduction happens and that is where Islamic radicals are many steps ahead, because in the West we have not yet decoded this process.

*Journalist at Plataforma

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